Media and accreditation
Information for Media
When utilizing official information and quoting statements from participants of the Future Technologies Forum, completed materials must include mention of the Future Technologies Forum and the source of the obtained information, or provide a link to the Forum's website if the information is sourced from there. Any alterations, additions, or distortions to copied (quoted) information are not permitted.
Print Media / Radio:
Any program or interview conducted within the premises of the Future Technologies Forum must include a mention of the Future Technologies Forum (text or emblem/logo).
Any program or interview conducted within the premises of the Future Technologies Forum must include a mention of the Future Technologies Forum (text or emblem/logo).
Internet Publications:
Any article or interview written during the course of work or following the conclusion of the Future Technologies Forum must include a mention of the Future Technologies Forum (text or emblem/logo).
Any released photograph must include a mention of the Future Technologies Forum in the image or caption (text or emblem/logo).
Blogs / Social Media:
When using official information obtained through participation in the Future Technologies Forum, and quoting statements from participants of the Future Technologies Forum (quoting participants of the Forum must be done with their personal consent), completed materials posted online (blogs, social media, etc.) must contain accurate facts.